Skin in the game?

6. März 2022
Geschichte , heute aktuell , Philosophie , Zeitgeschehen

Skin in the game? #skininthegame

I. The gold price takes off / 4.3.2022. The #Rubicon is ahead of us, soon to be crossed. War in Europe.

Scale open to the top.
The uncertainty grows exponentially.

It is unclear whether Mathias Döpfner and Friedrich Merz are less illusionary than the majority of political analysts and are probably more right to ask themselves whether containment without any NATO deployment in Ukraine still makes sense, given what may come after Ukraine. No war with Russia? No skin in the game?

The thought that a Nazi regime can be appeased by downgrading oneself to a spectator is just as reassuring as saying it will be fine. It’s all OK.

Why should we watch Ukrainians being slaughtered?

The strategy and ideology on the other side are clearly those of the Nazis. Unfortunately, action is still being driven here by fear of the enemy, for one’s own safe skin and so-called reason, which the close victim, i.e. the Ukrainians, writes off in an act of sacrifice, for oneself, if possible in the air-conditioned, heated room to protect. That, too, is highly irrational, because it starts from a meanwhile fictionally luxurious point of view that is overwhelmed by the facts of the war and degenerates into a mendacious simulacrum. Especially if you assume you’re being sensible about it.

In rationality, in the declared victim for sacrifice, it overlooks one’s own dear combatant, who could stand by oneself when it is our turn, by not watching him being killed but standing by. Ducking away and even paying for it follows in a demonic logic the perpetrator’s dictate, not just to overlook the sacrifice of the neighbor, but to admit the destruction and thus the perpetrator, without emotional intelligence. This pirouette of masochistic compliance cannot be the last word in an argument. Merz and Döpfner may have thought that for themselves, albeit unclearly formulated, and did not want to keep it to themselves. The irrationality of the supposedly reasonable must be made clear to oneself and then quickly to others. Then the decision as to how and when to defend oneself and others is immediately open again.

 #strategy #rubicon  #russia #ukraine #merz #döpfner #kasparov #nato #nazis #gold #scaleopen #ukrainians #prepetrator #irratatonality #rationalty #simulacrum #demoniclogic #duckingaway #victim

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